2024 A better Story – FULLY BOOKED

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure’.  Hebrews 6:19
In a day of teaching, fellowship, worship and seminars, we will be taken through the book of Hebrews; seeing how God’s story is fulfilled through the person of Jesus Christ. Even in the midst of life’s storms, God reminds us that His story is perfectly written for us!

Our main speaker Kimberly Davis works for The Globe Church in London. She loves using the arts to share the gospel and reading the Bible with people no matter where they are on their faith journey. FULLY BOOKED.

This year there is a choice of seven seminars running twice during the day. You can choose two seminars from the following list;

Seminar A – A better story and hope for marriage (Nicole Ashton)
Whatever expectations we came to marriage with, the struggles of everyday life soon show us that our marriages need more than romance to flourish and grow. We need the life-changing power of the gospel to be at work. We’ll talk together about some of the things that can make our own marriages challenging and explore how the hope we have in Jesus can transform our hearts and our daily experience.

Nicole Ashton moved to East Sussex two years ago and is loving the place and the people. She is married to Nick and they have three kids. Nicole is currently working in conjunction with Biblical Counselling UK to facilitate biblical counselling for the church family at All Saints in Crowborough. She loves having a house full of people, is constantly decluttering and is gradually being won round to the idea of a dog by her persistent family.

Seminar B – A better sacrifice. The life and faith of Elisabeth Elliot (Rachel Lane) SORRY THIS IS FULLY BOOKED
‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’ Such were the famous words of Jim Elliot, shortly before he died a violent death at the hands of the South American tribesmen he was seeking to reach. But what of his young widow, Elisabeth, who had sacrificed the husband she adored for the cause of the gospel?

A woman of keen intelligence and self-discipline, Elisabeth continued her missionary work for several years before going on to become a much-loved speaker and writer. Yet behind her public persona was an ordinary woman with ordinary struggles, just like ours. As we find out more about Elisabeth’s life and the challenges she faced, we will be encouraged to fix our eyes on the Saviour she followed and on His perfect sacrifice.

Rachel Lane is a member of Emmanuel Church in Hastings, where her husband Martin is the vicar. She teaches English part-time, and enjoys being involved with music and women’s ministry at the church. Rachel has four school aged children and a rather noisy dog.


Seminar C – A Better Love  (Jeanette Howard)

The friends ask the Shulamite woman a straightforward question: How is your beloved better than others? Her response is clear, detailed, and unequivocal, concluding with the phrase, This is my beloved, this is my friend (Song of Songs 5:9-16). But what about you? Do you consider Jesus as your beloved? How is Jesus better than all else? Would your answers sufficiently convince you, let alone persuade others of his worth?

It matters little if we are single, married, with or without children; every woman desires a place where she is known fully, accepted completely, and always protected. This world offers a glimpse of joy and fulfilment through various relationships and opportunities, but only an ever-deepening intimate relationship with Jesus guarantees such contentment regardless of circumstances. This seminar will consider ways we can transform our head knowledge of Jesus into a living reality and enjoy the rich relationship he offers now and for eternity

Jeanette has spent the past forty years addressing her gender dysphoria and same-sex attraction in the light of God’s Word. She has helped demystify these subjects, enabling all Christian men and women of any persuasion to recognise the need to bring every aspect of our life under Christ’s lordship. Jeanette is the author of three books and regularly speaks at conferences, weekend retreats, and churches in the UK and overseas. Jeanette is ‘of a certain age’ and enjoys gardening, sunshine, and someone else’s cooking.

Seminar D – A better story for our mental health (Karen Sleeman)
This seminar will focus on mental health in children for families and churches to help them provide biblically wise care. The deterioration in mental health in young people across the UK is no secret. The most recent NHS report highlights that 17.4% of teens have a diagnosable mental health disorder.  It would be no surprise that there are many more, who are struggling and undiagnosed. This seminar is designed to be helpful, for anyone involved in bringing up teenagers and looks at why teenagers might be particularly vulnerable, and how churches can support teenagers and their families.  It will focus on the process of building strong connected families that support all teenagers.  The seminar isn’t a how-to manual but does aim to equip and seek hope through all the resources and wisdom we have in Christ to meet our children where they are.  He is the better story; through whom we will explore what it looks like to love with a Christ-like love during mental health struggles.

Dr Karen Sleeman is a family counsellor in her local church and enjoys working with parents, children and adolescents. She is also placed in her local CAMHS family therapy clinic. Karen has training in child and adolescent mental health and family therapy and has completed the Biblical Counselling UK Church-based Intern Scheme. She is a visiting lecturer at Oak Hill teaching the Master’s Level (Level 7) module ‘Issues in Pastoral Counselling’ and on issues of domestic abuse. She and her husband Matthew have five children and a foster daughter.

Seminar E – A better use of time (Christine Perkin)
We all face many different seasons in our lives. With each season comes different opportunities, frustrations and challenges. How do we rise to each of these times with courage and hope – trusting that our God has a plan beyond what we can see?

Christine has worked alongside her husband, Paul, in full time ministry for over forty years. Most of that time they were in central London where they led a young, vibrant church – but for the last three years they have been in a small village church on the Kent/ Surrey border. They have been two very different experiences of ministry but both have been challenging and fulfilling.

Seminar F – A Better conversation (Sarah Dargue)
Conversations litter our days: in person, on the phone, online.  In this seminar we’ll be considering what it looks like for the better story that we have in Christ to inform and shape our conversations.  What does it look like to practically encourage one another to dwell on the riches of the gospel in the midst of our busy lives?  Come along as we dig into Hebrews 10:23-25 and see that better conversations are fuelled by our unswerving hope, fostered by imaginative one anothering, and fed by persistent encouragement.

Sarah is married to David and they have three primary-aged children.  They live in Uxbridge, West London, where it’s a joy to serve together at Waterloo Road Church.  Sarah is the author of Bumps, Babies & the Gospel, and co-host of the Bible study podcast ‘Two sisters & a cup of tea’.


Seminar G – Convention Unconventional (Kez de Jong)
Sometimes we just need a quiet space to slow down, take a deep breathe and dwell. So take this opportunity to reflect on all you have taken in today and creatively respond to the teaching on the depths of Hebrews. And maybe play with some paint, pens, and fun papers!

Kerry is a pastor’s wife and mummy to three. She is a professional artist and teacher, working from her home studio in Farnham. Kerry loves to find ways to creatively express her faith and loves helping others to thrive in their walks with Jesus by exploring and reflecting creatively on the Bible through journalling, art and art processes.